Post Parted Document

This Artist’s book was created as a response to Mary Kelly’s Post Partum Document (1973-79). This piece of work meticulously details and documents both Kelly and her Son’s physical and psychological changes through the journey of being a new mother. Kelly’s work had fascinated me, with the combination of art, documentation, psychology and science through collected items. I wanted to create a document in response which I titled Post Parted Document through the perspective of the child. Using health documents from my birth, imagery collected during my infancy, and written text I created this mixed media book using an accordion bind with a cover.


DIGITAL ❶ FORCING EVERYTHING I’VE LOST TO RETURN.  ❷ Lanternflies go bye bye!  ❸ 25    PRINT ❶ 256Fish Tomato Tomato ❸ Search History ❹ Consider the Lobster   Aquariums Make Me Hungry!    MOTION ME/ROBOT/FISH ❷ M E T A M O R P H O S i S  ❸ Game On...  ❹ Goodnite    >PLAY<